S. No |
Variety |
Pedigree |
Year of release |
Duration |
Yield (t/ha) |
Salient features |
1 | Kalyani | Selection from Naidupet local (CR 562) | 1971 | 100-105 | 25-30 | Good tillering, suitable for Chittoor, Anantapur and Nellore districts. |
2 | Padmavathi PPR 2350 |
Selection from Tirupati local | 1993 | 100-105 | 28-40 | Suitable for all ragi areas in the state |
3 | Saptagiri (PPR 2614) |
MR-1 X Kalyani | 1995 | 100-105 | 25-40 | Suitable for early planting situation; tolerant to water logging as well as drought situations. |
4 | Vakula PPR2700 | KM 55 x U22/B | 2012 | 95-100 | 35-40 | High yielding ragi varieties with tolerant to leaf blast and drought. Panicles compact and fingers incurved.
Varieties in minikit testing :
- PPR 2885 (PPR 2708 x DPI2071): This entry was found promising in Karnataka, Bihar, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh states. Medium duration variety with sturdy culm having semi compact ear heads and tolerant to blast.
- PPR 1012 (AE3077 x Ratnagiri): Long duration (123 days) High yielding variety with long incurved ear heads resistant to all the three types of blast diseases.
Pearl Millet (Bajra)
- Balaji composite was developed and released from this station.
Released varieties:
- CoT 8201 (Co740 x Co 775) was released during the year 1982.
- Maturity group : Mid late
- Cane yield (t/ha) : 110-120
- Juice Sucrose (%) : 17-18
- Suitability : Resistant to drought, water logging, salinity and redroot
Promising varieties:
Mid late : |
2004T68 ( Co 8353xCo87270) |
2005 T50 ( 87A298 GC) |
2005 T 52 (87A298 GC) |
2006T 13 (Co85002 GC) |
Early : 2003T121 (Coc 671 x CoT 8201) |
2003 T129 (Coc 671 x CoT 8201) |
2005T16 (CoH110 GC) |
2006T 3 (CoSc 95423 GC) |
2006T 36 (CoT 8201 GC) |

2003 T 121 Maturity Group Early Parentage Co 671 X Co T 8201 Cane Yield (t / ha) 120.00 – 130.00 Juice Sucrose (%) 19.0 -20.0 Ratooning ability Good Red Rot Resistant Smut Tolerant Borers Susceptible Drought Tolerant Flowering Absent

2005T 16 Maturity Group Early Parentage CoH 110 GC Cane Yield (t / ha) 110 -120 Juice Sucrose (%) 19-20 Ratooning ability good Red Rot Resistant Smut Tolerant Borers Susceptible Drought Tolerant Salinity Tolerant Flowering Sparse

2005T 50 Maturity Group Midlate Parentage 87 A 298 GC Cane Yield (t / ha) 120 -130 Juice Sucrose (%) 18 - 19 Ratooning ability good Red Rot Resistant Smut Tolerant Borers Susceptible Drought Susceptible Flowering Absent

2004T 68 Maturity Group Midlate Parentage Co 8353 X Co 87270 Cane Yield (t / ha) 120 - 130 Juice Sucrose (%) 17-18 Ratooning ability good Red Rot Resistant Smut Tolerant Borers Susceptible Drought Tolerant Flowering Present